The numbers
- Registered for the talk: 60 people.
- Attendants: 21 people.
- It was performed on December 21, 2020 by streaming due to coronavirus confinement.
Important: We remind you that in the tool Slack have a channel registered to organize and to share the management of the meetup, specifically the channel we use is #wpalicante of Slack WordPress Spain. If you want to lend a hand, contribute ideas and become more active part of this community follow the instructions on the following page->
Improving UX to Optimize Conversion: The Talk
We are preparing for Christmas, but neither the powdery mildew nor the COVID-19 coronavirus prevents us from coming back to you from WPAlicante with our online chats, as we still can't see each other in the space ULab where we usually meet.
Once again we meet via streaming. On this occasion we are joined by the following speakers Victor Garcia ParraHe is a SEO consultant and digital analyst with more than three years of experience in this sector. He also participates in the management and content of the website freakelitex.comAs you can see, it's an all-rounder.
Do you want to improve the conversion rate of your business? In this talk Victor shows us how to optimize conversion by improving the UX. He explains several tricks for you to optimize each of the phases of funnel conversion, so that you can achieve with the same investment, an increase in your income.
Of course, at the end of the talk we had the traditional round of questions, although unfortunately we still couldn't do it all together for obvious reasons. The streaming was made possible thanks to our sponsors: WeglotThe WordPress Plugin to translate your website into the language of your choice. You can try it out without any obligation, as it is free to use for translating up to 2000 words into a language, and it takes up very little space on the server. We also have in this meetup as a sponsor Company WebThe website, a hosting company specialized in WordPress, among other services, with several plans available to suit your needs.
Here are some points that we found interesting, although we include them at the end of this entry The full video of the presentationThis time it was streamed and recorded to be posted on Youtube. We also link you to the presentation he used to develop the talk on scalable web architecture .
Fundamentals: Why do we only focus on getting more traffic to the web?
Certainly, it is important to get users to visit the site, provided they are quality users. What happens is that it is equally important that these users end up converting, so that it is really useful to us.

Therefore, different phases are considered to be carried out in order to fulfil our objective. This is done by the CROto optimize each phase of the funnel. If it sounds Chinese to you, you can stop by our meetup "what is CRO and where to start":
- AcquisitionHow to get that qualified traffic
- ConsiderationUsers question what e-commerce to buy. We have to optimize it so that they decide for ours instead of the competition's.
- ConversionPurchase: Critical process in which the user is going to leave us his data and make his purchase.
- LoyaltyIt costs five times less to retain a user than to get a new one, so it is essential to focus on keeping those users who have already converted.
CRO analysis
A series of analyses must be carried out before any changes are made:
- Understanding the business modelWe have to see how the business and its market is doing. To do this we have to see if it is a sale of services or products.
- ServicesCan be serialized or customized
- ProductsThe use of a mobile phone: it can be B2B (more personalized) or B2C (more independent)
- Analyze quantitative and qualitative dataOnce understood, both quantitative and qualitative data must be analyzed. To do this, you must carry out a heuristic analysis to understand where the areas of improvement are. For example, if many people get to the shopping cart and add things but do not finish the purchase, we must analyze what the reason may be, if it is a lack of confidence in the web, or lack of means of payment...
Customer purchasing process
Once all the necessary analysis has been carried out, we have to understand our potential client as well as his behaviour. This goes through several stages:
- AwarenessThey realize that they have a need that is not covered and that we want to cover. The user does not know us yet.
- ResearchThe buyer searches the Internet and gets to know us as possible solutions to his problem, although he will also check out the competition.
- DecisionWe have to be able to offer him something different so that he ends up choosing us over the competition.
- DelightAfter-sales service: This is the after-sales service, to follow up on the purchase made and confirm whether the customer is really satisfied or there are improvement actions that we could incorporate into our service.
To understand our client we can take advantage of some tool that helps us in the process: The Buyer person.

The purchase phases fit perfectly with the phases of the conversion funnel, since in the phase of Acquisition the one of Awareness of the buyer, in the Consideration that of Researchin the Conversion that of Decision and in the Loyalty that of Delight.
Web analysis to find where to improve conversion
If we find ourselves in a project that is already underway, we must know the context of the project and above all see how to prioritize our actions. To do this:
- See which URLs have a low conversionThe product category: This way we can see if a product category is far below the rest. Maybe a product does not fit with our values or what we are offering on our website.
- See which channels have low conversionThe problem may be in a particular channel. It could be that SEO works well, as well as social network advertising and it could be that Google Ads advertising is failing us.
- See where the conversion falls on the funnelFor example, it could be detected that there is a problem at the moment of inserting the card by the customer to make the purchase.
What metrics are interesting for this in-depth analysis:
- Percentage of bounce on each URL
- Conversion rate per channel
- Time spent on each URL
- Conversion rate by URL
- Computer and mobile conversion rate
- Speed of loading the web in computer and mobile.
This whole process has behind it a methodology, which would help us to decision making posterior. It should be borne in mind that these are actually three cyclical steps, in order to bring about continuous improvement:
- Analyze the dataTo determine what things go wrong.
- Design and implement improvementsOnce we have determined what actions we are going to perform, we must define them in detail and carry them out.
- Measuring the resultsOnce they are implemented, it is necessary to check if they are as satisfactory as we wish. To do this, we would go back to the first step.
To decide what actions to take, we can follow the ICE method of prioritisation of tasks, which are the acronyms of the three elements we score for making decisions:
- Impact
- Cost
- Effort
Once implemented, we may have doubts about how long the tests should last. We can help us from the calculations made by tools such as A/B Testing. The tests will depend on:
- Conversion ratioWhat is the minimum conversion percentage to be seen in the test.
- MDEMinimum Detectable Effect: This is the minimum percentage of changes that the test must detect to be considered valid.
- Statistical SignificancePercentage of reliability that this test will have.
Biases to sell more
You have to know the customer to improve your marketing. You have to understand how they think in order to make an impact on them since the decisions we make as human beings are not always rational, but many times we make emotional decisions. The mind looks for "shortcuts" when it comes to decisions. These are some of the most common, although in the presentation there are many more and in fact there are books and books dedicated to analyzing them in depth:
- Anchoring effectThe basis for this is that we prefer the first thing we see.
- Confirmation BiasThe tendency is to seek to confirm what we already believe to be true.
- Biased towards the illusion of truthThis one is less ethical. It is the tendency to consider that the statements we have heard and seen repeatedly are true, by the mere fact of repetition.
- Bias of authorityWe tend to be conditioned by information coming from an authority figure.
Tips to improve conversion
We will see little pills in each of the phases to help us with the conversion of our clients:
- Take care of the Landing Page (main page with which we started to capture users). It should be as optimized as possible to capture many potential customers with the minimum possible budget.
- Web MenuThe SEO: It is necessary to pay attention to it in order to have an appropriate categorization at SEO level and to facilitate the user's navigation so that he finds what he is looking for without effort.
- Optimize the loading speedIf the website takes a long time to load, the user will not wait for it to finish. The average waiting time is three seconds. You can analyze the web with the free tool Google PageSpeed Insights.
- Optimized and complete web search engineFor example, doofinderwhich is a smart search engine and also very visual.
- Achieving credibility and authorityThe user's confidence: To do this, include on the website the awards we have been given or the ISO standards we comply with, as well as other companies we have worked with that give the user confidence.
- Contact with the businessContact us: Make it easy for the user to contact us for any questions that may arise. Similarly, be agile with the resolution of everything you raise and as clear as possible.
- Use of popupsAlthough it is very popular, you can take a look at them to make them useful, especially when it comes to exclusive discounts or to attract followers to join our newsletter. It is important that the popup is not annoying.
- Product recommendationsPCComponentes: You can see an example on the PCComponentes website because it works very well: based on the opinions of the users of each product, it generates some basic statistics of the product with the average rating and the recommendation.
- Cross Selling And Up SellingMore than improving the conversion, what it allows is that each conversion brings you a greater monetary value.
- Ease of paymentIt is interesting to offer the client payment in instalments, especially when the amount is high.
- Updated product sheetWe are not only referring to the information being provided, but also to the technology used, which is optimized with images that allow you to see the product 360º, for example. Users are increasingly demanding and there is more competition so it is interesting that we have something distinctive that sets us apart from others. It is also very common to show sense of urgency so that the user is quick to make the purchase, with discounts that expire or few products available.
- Simplified purchasing processThe following is an example of the type of information that can be provided by the client: Make it as clear and as short as possible to avoid the client's backing out. It is also important that the payment conveys confidence, that it is secure.
- Loyalty programThe point card can be converted into discounts or other gifts, which have levels depending on the expenditure. If you are interested in this point, you can check our gamification meetingup.
Tools for qualitative and quantitative analysis
- Google Analytics. Free of charge.
- Google PageSpeed Insights. Free of charge.
- MixpanelPaying. Allows you to further customize the funnel options.
- Google OptimizeFree of charge.
- A/B TastyPaying but very powerful, with very good service to solve doubts.
Final advice
Follow these steps:
- Analyze what to improve
- Generate hypotheses and experiment
- Measure the results
Final networking questions and issues
QUESTIONGreat theory on test types, but I don't know how to do all that. How can I learn? (29:21)
RESPONSEAlso very interesting is the book "CRO Profesional: Estrategia práctica" by Ricardo Tayar.
QUESTIONDo you know any article, web or resource where they segment the Buyer Person?
RESPONSEThe company Inbound Cycleis a Spanish agency of Inbound MarketingThe company has a very good buyer's funnels and has very interesting articles about them.
QUESTIONThe logical thing to do to improve the CRO is to hire a specialist to do everything you have said. But what do you advise for small online shops that do not have a sufficient budget?
RESPONSEIn this case, train yourself and apply the advice we have mentioned, using the free tools. And above all, a lot of trial and error. If you have WordPress and a fairly configurable template, you still don't need to touch much code and you can fend for yourself in the implementation phase, which could be the hardest to learn if you're not a technical person. If you want a course to train yourself, you could choose the Ricardo Tayar in Kschoolin Digital Innovation Center there is also a master's degree in CRO, as well as Webpositer. Then, for example in Valencia, the IEM Business School has training in CRO, in Malaga Windup Schoolwhich I think is also online...
QUESTIONYou work with metrics? How do you work with them?
RESPONSEWe work together with Google Analytics and then take the information to Google Sheets or Google Data Studio to make comparisons of what we want to improve. If they are micro-conversions, you can configure your own funnels in Google Analytics
- FunnelFunnel: This is an English term that translates literally as "funnel". It is used in Online Marketing to define the different steps that a user has to take to fulfill a certain objective within our website.
- UXUser eXperience: This is the acronym for User eXperience. We use it to define that which allows the user to feel comfortable within our website, because it simplifies navigation and makes it very intuitive.
- CROWeb site optimization: It is the discipline that takes care of optimizing web pages with the aim of improving their conversion rate.
- Up SellingIn Spanish it is known as "venta adicional". It is the technique used in many e-commerce (in Amazon you have seen it a thousand times) to show other products similar to the one you are seeing or the one you just bought. The aim is to show products with slightly higher prices or more features, in case the customer is interested.
- Cross SellingThe term "cross-selling" is used in Spanish. It is similar to the additional sales concept mentioned above but instead of similar products, what is shown are complementary products, perfect for making a pack. For example, if you buy a printer it can suggest additional cartridges, if it is a bakery, flour to prepare the dough...
- Inbound MarketingMarketing: It refers to an attraction marketing, permissive, where the consumer seeks the brand and not the opposite. It is a methodology that combines non-intrusive marketing and advertising techniques to contact the user at the beginning of the purchase process and accompany him/her at all times of the transaction, as well as for subsequent loyalty.
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